EarthKeepers 360 is a movement focused on equipping spiritual leaders with the tools needed to effectively engage modern environmental issues. Through on the ground educational opportunities, community organizing and strategic civic engagement, Earth Keepers unites spiritual leaders from various traditions in shaping and embodying a new earth ethic.
Our latests Blogs
By Tony Arnold Our study of the Neighborhood Church book as prompted me to offer to share a little about how I live out my faith in the world outside of Sunday mornings at John Knox – and what I see as some of the important issues that the church as
As a child who fished, camped and hiked all over the Land of Enchantment, I learned early on that there’s nothing more awe-inspiring than watching a herd of elk cross the Valles Caldera or bighorn sheep scale the rugged cliffs of the Rio Grande Gorge or pronghorn bound across the plains.
By: Rev. Andrew Douglas Black Creator God–As spring flowers begin to arise from the earth and the snow from our mountains forms the rivers of our valleys, we are reminded of the beauty and interconnectedness of your creation. As the birds arise to sing your praises and the tree leaves begin
Public lands were created for all Americans – no matter their race, age, gender, religion or socioeconomic status. They are a uniquely American idea that is rooted in deep sense of egalitarianism.